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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Motivation: FACE is the Reflection of M I N D.

When We Desire for Something Nice in Our Life.
It can Really Happen in Our Life Only when We make Efforts.
Only when We Convert Thoughts into Actions.
Constructively with Compassion & Wisdom Towards Peace.

Our Bodies are Controlled by Our Minds.
And our Mind is Controlled by Our Principals.
Principals are Controlled by out Thoughts and ideas.
Our Thoughts are Controlled by our Environment & Friends.
Our Friends are Quality Connections & Contacts with People.

Thus we have to create Quality of Happiness in our Lives.
We are all Connected Like a Spider Web.
Your Happiness in Controlled by My Happiness.
Our Happiness is Meaningful while achieving our Noble Objective.
Thus My Effort is to Make You Realize Your Noble Objective.
Your Noble Purpose of Life, to serve Mankind.

Face is the Reflection of Mind:

We tend to create things depending upon our thoughts. 
Depending upon the kind of people and environment around us. 
It is impossible for anyone to hurt us, without our own permission. 
Our strength lies within ourselves. 
Thus we are the creators of ourselves. 
Thus imagination can create or destroy a man.

Elephants held by Thin Ropes:

Achieving Happiness: Self healing is possible with self realization. Realizing ones own purpose of life. Every one has a certain constructive purpose, to be achieved, by utilizing the talents embedded within. Giving constructive contribution to ones own life, to provide happiness to oneself. Happiness is possible with satisfaction. Satisfaction is possible with justice.

Every thing is inter connected by intelligence. Intelligence is nature’s creation. Every thing in nature communicates using vibrations. Intelligence can either be constructive or destructive. Thus to protect nature, god is a concept of constructive optimism, which is binding the nature. Thus the concept of god has been related to constructive concepts, such as love, compassion, brotherhood, etc to enhance peace and prosperity. To generate the positive vibrations in human mind, thus to influence any other living or non-living natures creation.

Any kind of destructive concept, such as anger, hatred, frustrations, etc can eventually propagate negative vibrations.

Religion is just the outer skin, where as spiritual peace is the inner core of every religion. The ultimate aim and purpose of every religion is to achieve this inner peace. Being Vegetarian is much spiritual and healthy. Human digestive system is not designed to consume meat food. It is very rare to see human beings eating uncooked raw flesh. It is difficult for human system to digest raw meat. More over, why eat meat when nature has already provided us with such delicious and nutritious fruits, vegetables and grains. Killing animals leads to destructive vibrations of fear and misery. The animal while being killed, experience great amount of pain, thus the entire body of killed animal contains cells with negative vibrations of pain and misery. The body cells of killed animals contain these destructive vibrations, which in turn enter the body of others when consumed. Here are a few more reasons and links for Vegetarianism. Thus vegetarianism helps achieve peace and harmony........ Read More:

Anger is destructive, QUARREL leads to hatred creating frustrations.
An old grandpa was teaching his grandchildren about life.
He said to them, "A battle is raging inside me, it is a terrible fight between two wolves.
One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego.
The other stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."
The old man fixed the children with a firm stare. "This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too."
They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?".
The old Grandpa replied: "The one you feed."
Moral: Think before feeding. Feed the good ones to achieve good purpose in life. Face is the reflection of mind. What we sow is what we reap. Ego of superiority is the destruction of individuality.

There are two kinds of kings, one is the destructive lion king and the other is constructive humble king. Now this destructive king want to rule, ultimately leading everyone to destruction. Where as there is another humble king who ultimately leading us to paradise. If every Indian realizes this secret to success, then our country will be number one, with constructive optimism. May the concept of optimism, called as "God" bless my mother-land I N D I A........ Read More:

Logic of Good and Bad:
Everything is within us, GOOD as well as BAD. Both of them are contagious too. What ever we feed will win. It is up to ourselves which way we decide to follow. The good needs to be strong enough to convert the bad to good. We must meditate to realize the good within ourselves, and thus convert the bad to good. There are two of them by name “GOOD” and “BAD”. “GOOD” is so good that it does not want to hurt “BAD” but definitely would want to heal and forgive them. On the other hand “BAD” is so bad that it tries to destroy “GOOD” even after being spared by the other. This is the simple difference between good and bad which history proves and keeps repeating. The logic here is simple, “GOOD” came into existence only because of “BAD”. If there had been no bad then how would the difference exist between the two? It’s merely the balance created by nature to counteract. None of them alone can be completely destroyed and are thus created when ever there is a requirement to balance. As toughness is created when there is pain, similarly “GOOD” becomes stronger when pain exceeds its limits and “BAD” becomes stronger when happiness exceeds its limits. It’s simple as to stop the pain and hatred, and start the healing with compassion for happiness. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction and thus everything happens for goodness.

“BAD” survives by suppressing and utilizing the “GOOD”. “BAD” stops getting its resources and automatically perishes if “GOOD” avoids the bad and is kept away from “BAD”.

This is a popular saying: See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil and Do no evil. It also means that see, hear, speak and do good. Basics and Necessities in life are to be good as expecting more than required will spoil them and leads to self destruction.

How are we going to convert bad into good?

We have to appreciate and respect good things. The appreciation and respect for good creates a requirement and value for good ones. Once a appreciation and requirement for good things is established and realized, then its obvious that bad is converted to good. This is a virtue of genuine necessity for good things to happen. Personality in a person is the reflection of the quality of environment. In other words “face is the reflection of mind”. The quality of thoughts and appreciation of good ideas. Dreams to create good things in life. Let’s have a clear view and determination for transparency and appreciation for good ones. Let’s make an effort with hope and optimism. Let’s create healing with blessing and prayers. Let’s make it happen.

There is a fear of terror:

If we appreciate the good ones and create the good ones then we may loose our position. We may loose our requirement and power if we heal, train, and teach others to do good things. We may loose our power to manage, dictate and rule if we respect the goodness.

Here is the solution:

How can the God, power of goodness, let us down, when we have done a good job. Lets believe in the goodness, lets not be afraid of appreciating, respecting and rewarding the good. Lets just do our duty with utmost sincerity. Things will change. Have faith and belief that, we will get what we deserve. We will be promoted and blessed with greater jobs which includes higher responsibilities, power and respect. With great power comes great responsibilities (OR) there is no power without responsibilities. Responsibility and power must not be miss utilized. Power is lost when miss utilized (OR) power cannot exist without responsibility. (OR) power exists only because of responsibility. Lets spread the goodness without any fear. Lets have faith that the time will change and will bring good things. Constructive is difficult, creating good is difficult, where as destructive is easy when power is miss utilized. Be a role model and appreciate, heal and create the good. Convert the bad ones to good ones. Firing someone is easy and a wrongful thing to do. Where as conversion, healing and forgiving is difficult. Being constructive is difficult. When things are not ready made then we have to create them. Only then, we can be satisfied, confident and proud of owning the great things with power. Power is for good as long as it’s not miss utilized.

When someone gives respect, it does not mean that they are afraid, or cowards, or morons, or slaves. They are not helpless but brave. They very much know the values of moral character and discipline. "Give respect and take respect" is a very old saying. Instead of appreciating their character we should not criticize them. It shows meanness with lack of attitude........ Read More:

Mind Power of Imagination, Intelligence.

What happens when we pray?
Power of Imagination. What happens when we motivate others?
How good things happen in real life?

Here is an simple Experiment of Critical Mass.

We all know there is a new age coming. We all know that we will need new leaders to help us get there, and to teach us how to live once we do.

We need to add the goodness until and unless the bad gets converted to good, or the percentage of goodness is more than that of bad. We have to respect and appreciate the good till the reaction takes place. Good quality people with good moral values and character are to be embraced for this reaction to happen. We need to add goodness to the societies, so much of goodness that the bad is converted to good. This can be only done with love, care, forgiveness, compassion and gratitude. Being constructive and not destructive is the key to this issue.

The most common explanation is that when a certain number of people evolve, the entire human race begins to evolve.

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Amazing Constructive Vibrations.

What happens when Human Beings are Happy or Sad?
Let us be constructive and save this planet earth.
What happens when we shout and yell at some one?
What happens when we love and care someone?
Why are anger, frustration and hatred destructive?
Why there is happiness when we are liberated from desires.

How vibrations play a prominent role in nature’s creation?
Change in the crystalline structure of water when exposed to various vibrations.
Healthy growth of plants when exposed to various musical instruments.
Role of vibrations in the cosmic healing.
Every thing is inter connected by intelligence.
Religion is just the outer skin, where as spiritual peace is the inner core of every religion.
Darwin's Theory: Every living-thing has intelligence to evolve up-to next level of generation.

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