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Friday, September 7, 2012

My Job TERMINATION at Bahra.

Immediate Termination of Job
Without any Notice:
On 7th September 2012, Vice Chancellor of Bahra University, (Shri Bansal)
Asks the University Registrar, to Terminate me from my Job immediately.
Where as it is Routine Customary to give One Month Notice Period before Job termination.

On 6th September 2012, One day before, at evening 5 pm,
Vice Chancellor, asks me regarding the Civil Department, Survey Laboratory,
He asked me why are the Stands of instruments kept on the floor?
I told him that it was the Job of “Laboratory Attendant” to take care of the Laboratory.
It was his job to set-up and arrange the instruments.
The “Laboratory Attendant” had not done his Job even after my previous requests.
I had requested him before to arrange the instruments in the Laboratory, but he had not performed his job. This was what I informed the Vice Chancellor, that the Laboratory Attendant, was not satisfactory.

Then the Vice Chancellor told me to prepare all the Laboratory List of Practicals, along with Complete Procedure Descriptions on the computer, and to Paste the Print-outs on the wall of the Laboratory, within time frame of one-day.
I told VC that it would not be possible in one-day. He asked me to resign from Job.
It is not part of my job description to prepare print and paste printouts on Laboratory walls.
I am working as “Assistant Professor” with 19K salary, and I am supposed to take Lectures.
VC must realize that Laboratory Charts to be hanged on walls are already available in Market.
The “Laboratory Attendant” can Stick Paste the ready-made Charts on the wall also.
My job is to study and prepare for the Lectures, with a salary of 19K.
I pretty much think that my efforts are satisfactory and justifiable.
I have always been a well wisher of University, with a vision to empower my society and Nation.

One month before, VC had ordered me to Travel to Sundernagar, to conduct Entrance Examinations for New Admission of Students. But I had denied the order due to personal reasons. That time also he had warned me to Terminate my Job.

My class students of 3rd year civil, are not happy with VC's decisions, as they highly appreciate my Teaching.
It seems as though VC is violating Human rights, He is forcing and threatening to perform work.
Where as the VC must be compassionate and humble while performing his duties.
VC must realize that he must accomplish his humble objectives with Peace, Compassion and Brotherhood. One must not have Ego of Superiority. Power is Lost when misused destructively.
He very much draws a huge salary package also to perform satisfactory results.
His job is to guide University towards Prosperity and Peace, along with compassion and brotherhood.
It is wrong for him to put fear and job terminations to perform his duties.

I will also be posting this on Facebook.

We all have to create better work environments, if we wish to live in a environment, with peace and happiness.

Generally there are two types of Leaders,
One is Wild Lion King, who rules and Dictates using Fear.
Another is Humble King, who rules using Compassion.

Humble King has Peaceful Motivated followers.
Lion King has Arrogant followers with Fear.

Lion King uses Fear to control his followers.
Humble King uses Compassion to convince his followers.

Thus it is important the Way we adopt to Rule the society.

Also Please Read,
Peace is the Only Way to Prosperity:

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