In simple, great ideas are possible only when both subconscious and conscious minds together decide and conclude. In other words, when conscious mind listens to subconscious and analysis what is to be done, depending upon the circumstances, situations and prior experiences. This means to say that, decisions are not possible until and unless the conscious mind listens to the subconscious mind and comes to a conclusion and decides what is to be done. That is decisions are materialized only when the conscious executes the conclusion into the “real world” or in the “real life” thus to become a reality. If the great ides are not passed on from the subconscious to conscious or if the conscious does not execute the ideas into real life, then the good ideas die without any expected outcome, which leads to repentance in life. Its quite often seen that we repent sometimes for not expressing our great ideas by killing them within with negligence and fear.
Why do we get frustrated? The answer is within us. There is someone inside us who will answer this question. Expectations are dreams where as circumstances are real. Things did not happen the way we expected them to happen. Things happen in reality only when we put efforts in real life. There are many different ways to reach the same destination. Persistence to be constructive is the key. Never loose hope. Only we ourselves can have a perfect answer to this question. When we get the answer, let’s analyze what’s the root cause of our frustration. Let’s make sure that we don't hurt anyone. God is watching every step we take. Once we find a perfect solution, let’s implement it so that we don't get frustrated next time.
It’s the personality which makes people do certain things. Certain persons are crazy by nature. They want to do something different. If they see someone walking on their foots they think of walking on their hands. Some of them want to ride bikes on a single wheel. They know that it’s risky and dangerous but still they insist. For some it’s their necessity and just a craze for some others. They want do things differently without any analysis just for change and fun. There are different people with diverse personalities and different limitations. Some are calculated with caution and precautions. These are the ones who have realized their failures and faced hard times in real life. Some of them don’t realize as they simply neglect, as it hurts when we think hard. They don’t reach any conclusions for their experiences in life due to confusions and fears. It depends on how the individual analysis certain problems under certain situations and circumstances. When we see some one who is calm, gentle, humble and stable, it means to say that the person has realized the pain of risks and has learnt his way of life.
Why do we get frustrated? The answer is within us. There is someone inside us who will answer this question. Expectations are dreams where as circumstances are real. Things did not happen the way we expected them to happen. Things happen in reality only when we put efforts in real life. There are many different ways to reach the same destination. Persistence to be constructive is the key. Never loose hope. Only we ourselves can have a perfect answer to this question. When we get the answer, let’s analyze what’s the root cause of our frustration. Let’s make sure that we don't hurt anyone. God is watching every step we take. Once we find a perfect solution, let’s implement it so that we don't get frustrated next time.
It’s the personality which makes people do certain things. Certain persons are crazy by nature. They want to do something different. If they see someone walking on their foots they think of walking on their hands. Some of them want to ride bikes on a single wheel. They know that it’s risky and dangerous but still they insist. For some it’s their necessity and just a craze for some others. They want do things differently without any analysis just for change and fun. There are different people with diverse personalities and different limitations. Some are calculated with caution and precautions. These are the ones who have realized their failures and faced hard times in real life. Some of them don’t realize as they simply neglect, as it hurts when we think hard. They don’t reach any conclusions for their experiences in life due to confusions and fears. It depends on how the individual analysis certain problems under certain situations and circumstances. When we see some one who is calm, gentle, humble and stable, it means to say that the person has realized the pain of risks and has learnt his way of life.
*[ How long can we wait?] *[ An attempt for definition.]

Life is Beautiful.
Creating successful constructive personality. Why God Gave Us Friends? Way to Paradise. Creating the Beautiful World. Doing the job of goodness. Life is Meaningful. The A to Z for Goodness. Life is full of Tests. History Proves That. Love in different forms. True to the heart.
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