Things become inevitable, it’s the belief, which makes them inevitable. Everything happens for good and thus leads to destiny. Its Gods decision and wish. We always have options and different ways in front of us. In fact these are the ways opened by God for us. He opens them as we pray him for guidance. We take our ways listening to our inner voices, which becomes destiny. Depending on the ways we choose we feel bugged, stuck, enlighten or feel the freedom of joy. We all make mistakes, its obvious for humans to make them as we learn from them and make efforts not to repeat them. It’s a pity, ignorance and sin if you purposely do mistakes and repeat them knowingly. We should never forget that God always forgives them who pray for forgiveness with pure heart. Sometimes, rarely the spider gets caught in its own web.
Life is a journey, people come meet each other, some sit besides you, some talk to you, some love you, some get down when they reach there destination, some stay with you forever. Why feel bad when everything happens for good?
Life is a journey, people come meet each other, some sit besides you, some talk to you, some love you, some get down when they reach there destination, some stay with you forever. Why feel bad when everything happens for good?
*[ The path of victory.] *[ Realizations In Real Life.]

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