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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

PEACE is the Only Way.

Science: Darwin Theory Proves that Humans have Evolved from Gorillas.

Humans have Intelligence to improve themselves.

Intelligence can either be Constructive or Destructive.

Humans have been constantly evolved using Constructive Intelligence.

Humans might have not developed towards betterment, if they were destructive.

Thus, Humanity Expects Change Evolution by Constructive Peaceful Approaches.

Real Life Experience.

It is important to bring change with Peace, Brotherhood and Compassion.

Bringing Change without using Anger, Fear and Hatred.

By minimizing the Frustration, Enmity and Pain.

With NO intentions to purposely Hurt anyone. Not to Insult anyone.

By giving Respect with Love to others. By winning heart with humbleness and gratitude.

It is thus the passion, to bring change, with PEACE.

We all have to create better work environments, if we wish to live in a environment, with peace and happiness.

Only an intellectual can compare and analyse. The difference between good and bad.

The way how nature works and what would eventually happen, when the bad becomes powerful.

We all know that humans have higher level of intelligence, compared to any other animals.

And this intelligence, can either be constructive or destructive.

Eventually there are two types of leaders - good and bad.

* One kind of Wild Leader, who rules and dictates using fear.
Another is Humble Leader, who rules using Compassion.
* Humble Leader has peaceful motivated followers.
Arrogant Leader has wicked followers motivated by fear.
* The Wild Leader uses fear to control his followers.
But the Humble Leader uses compassion to convince his followers.
* Thus it is important the way we adopt to create the society.

Bad People are often unreasonable and self-centered.
FORGIVE them anyway. But Learn from mistakes and avoid repeating them.
So that you don't get high blood pressure due to anger and hatred.

If you are kind, bad people may accuse you of ulterior motives.
Be KIND anyway. So that you don't lose healing yourself. So that you can heal and teach the innocent children.

If you are honest, bad people may cheat you.
Be HONEST anyway. So that good people can learn from you, to respect honesty.

If you find happiness, bad people may be jealous.
Be HAPPY anyway. So that you can heal yourself and your followers.

The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow by bad people.
Do GOOD anyway. So that you can proceed towards progress, towards better future generations.

Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough.
Give your BEST anyway. So that you can face and answer yourself.

For you see, in the end, it is your peace and happiness that really matters.

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean;
if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. -Mahatma Gandhi

Leaders at Top: The True Winners Never stand Alone. everything is inter-connected.
If Someone is on the Top, it is due to the efforts of All those who are at the Bottom, Holding them Up.

The More Higher You Go, the more Humble You Become.
Humility is the Sign of Success. Humility eliminates Obstacles. Being Humble is the Priority

Surrendering (Belief) Blindly Can be Dangerous Gamble, Risk.
Power without Transparency, Purpose and Responsibility is Dangerous.
Follow the Correct path to Success.

Love is not having someone give you the world. Love is creating a whole new world together ♥.
It is not falling down in Love, but Love is feeling the healing.

Advocate Kunal Sharma, has betrayed me with false promises.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.
Read more.

Link to this article.

Freedom and independence.

Anger, Hatred and Frustrations are Destructive,

What ever we feed will win, everything is courageous, either good or bad.
We have to feed the good things to win....Read a nice Story:

Read More Here: "Logic of Good and Bad"

Perfection & - S U C C E S S.

P E A C E - is the Only Way.

Change in Indian Politics:

Creating Leaders (Ingredients of a Super Power)

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