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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Forgiveness Peace.

F O R G I V E N E S S - S O R R Y.
Victory of - GOOD - over - BAD.
Convert - BAD - into - GOOD.

It is a Great Respect & Joy, when we Ask & Seek for Forgiveness.
After Repentance & Realizing our Mistakes.
After Understanding the Truth of Good Progress.
Forgiveness Represents Conversion of BAD into GOOD.
It Represents Healing & Progress Towards Peace.
It Represents Victory of Love & Compassion against,
the evil, Anger & Ignorance.

We Heal Ourselves by Forgiving Others.
Similarly Others are Healed when they Forgive Us.
Forgiving oneself is possible by our-self.
Forgiving others is also possible by our-selves.
But Others can get Forgiveness only when they seek and ask for it.
Forgiveness relieves our own frustrations to heal our minds,
but does not always leads to a stronger relationship.
Because Stronger Relationships are form both the sides, not one sided.
Some people are not capable of receiving Love,
and it is wise to let them Go, along with your Anger.
Just wish them Well and take care of yourself.
forgiveness is applicable to those who realize mistakes, repent and rectify.
it is not possible for others to forgive themselves without rectification.

Jealousy is destructive.

Jealousy begins, comes in only when we Like something.
But when we do Not Express our Sincere Appreciation.
Thus Appreciate and Accept the Good People.

Jealousy Leads to Negativity, Criticism and Anger.
Knowledge Grows when Shared.
Believe in Humanity and Science, rather than in Religion.
Better to be wise Alone, rather than to be in a Bad company.
We can Achieve anything with Persistence and Motivation.

Advocate Kunal Sharma, has betrayed me with false promises.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.
Read more.

Read Article:

Do Not Curse Yourself:
सबसे पहला नियम है स्वयं को दोषी ठहराना बंद करो।
अध्यात्म क्या है? गहराई में जाकर अपने साथ जुड़ना।
यदि खुद को दोषी मानते रहोगे तो अपने निकट कैसे जाओगे?
जो तुम्हें दोष देता रहे तुम उनके साथ रहना पसंद नहीं करोगे।
ऐसा करते रहने से तुम कभी शांत नहीं हो सकते, अपनी गहराई में नहीं जा सकते।
कभी स्वयं को दोषी मत ठहराओ।

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