Everything is contagious, good and also bad.
Justice, satisfaction and happiness are contagious too.
Similar to contagious diseases, which are bad to societies.
When something bad can catch us, why not good catch us too?
Let’s get infected to goodness.
Let's create a strong determination for change.
In our chemistry class, the minimum amount of the materials required for a chemical change to take place. This number is called as "critical mass."
As long as it's lesser than the critical mass of material, nothing happens.
As soon as we have the critical mass or more of the material, all of it changes.
It works in the chemistry lab.
What is the critical mass required for the calmness to happen. How much of good people do we need to bring change in our lives. How much is the required quantity of goodness to evolve to
the next level?
We need to add the goodness until and unless the bad gets converted to good or the percentage of goodness is more than that of bad.
We have to respect and appreciate the good till the reaction takes place.
Good quality people with good moral values and character are to be embraced
for this reaction to happen.
We must create good things, all around us. Calmness and healing.
Link to this article.
Contagious mind.
@. https://tinyurl.com/4sn8cpez
@. Blogger.
Story of scientists experiment.
Everything is contagious.
Better to create.
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