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Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Seeking creating success happiness.
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Material wealth by gurus, saints
My payment to Canada Visa:
Perfection and struggle.
Bitter Truths.
Thursday, September 9, 2021
1) Karma. Secret of creating blessings
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Truth, karma connection
Relationship between karma and truth. They are connected. Karma is dependent on truth.
Truth cannot change. If truth might consist of gentleness, compassion, loyalty, kindness, humbleness.
But truth might also consist of rudeness, betrayal, cruelty, etc.
Thus truth is forever the same, which might contain anything. Thus truth must be meaningful with nobleness. Thus truth creates karma. Karma can create joy or sorrow. Thus karma is dependent on truth. They are connected.
Searching for God.
Truth, Karma connection.
Relationship between truth and Karma.
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1) Searching for God.
It is much easier to find God within oneself. But it’s rare and seldom to find God outside. Not always but sometimes it’s possible to certain extent.
It’s safe to have optimistic thinking like this. That God is inside ourselves. This God is a assumed concept which is strong inside within. And maybe weaker outside.
God is a state of mind, which is inside within, which does not want bad things from others outside. But it seeks for good things from others outside. Thus the goodness inside seeks for the goodness outside.
Actually, reality is that the intelligence of wisdom and connection, in an individual person is the power called as God.
But if a powerful person thinks that a piece of stone, or idol, worshipping is God. It’s superstition and blind faith, which is giving false misunderstanding of the power.
Real power is intelligence, wisdom, etcetera. Because the powerful person is misunderstanding his controller to be an stone, or an idol, etcetera, or any other faith in other kind of principles.
But God is a state of mind, with wisdom of intelligence, etcetera.
Truth, Karma connection.
Relationship between truth and Karma.
Cast, God and Religion.
Searching for God.
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Wednesday, August 4, 2021
Fake spam messages
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Joy of job employment.
Friday, June 18, 2021
Weakness, helpless, miserable
Truth, Karma connection.
Relationship between truth and Karma.
Sunday, June 13, 2021
Anger is a vibration.
Anger is a certain type of vibration or emotion created in mind. Usually created out of frustration, because of possessiveness. Usually for something which is not happening as expected.
Meditation can help to be in the present moment. The meaning of, being in the present moment, it means to concentrate our thoughts on the physical body and on the required actions like speaking and walking etc, which are necessary to create a better future for oneself.
We know that, 72 muscles are strained when we frown with anger. Our body becomes a wreck. Why should we spoil our own nervous system? Why should we spoil our own beautiful body because someone did a mistake.
May be, by using anger, one can control the other person. It would be a foolishness to bring transformation by destroying oneself. When we feel anger inside, when we focus on the sensation of anger, it gets dissolved within.
When others do mistakes, instead of getting angry, we can as well correct their mistakes politely. When someone commit mistakes purposely, and repeatedly, in-order to create anger, to make fun of others. Then just neglect them, instead of hurting yourself.
Each one of us have encountered difficult times in the past. Everyone has faced a difficult time. The wise one would smile and move through it, and the foolish one would keep crying, yelling, shouting, being miserable and making others miserable.
Link to this article.
Anger is a vibration.
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Journey of my life.
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Each one of us must realise the objective of a happy life, as each one has a different happiness, and we must be wise to achieve happiness with minimal effort. We must understand that different people have different happiness, which they achieve by different ways, as they have different strengths and skills. To respect others happiness. As every one is different.
Karma Action
Friday, May 28, 2021
1) Contagious mind. Creating Happiness in Life
Everything is contagious, good and also bad.
Justice, satisfaction and happiness are contagious too.
Similar to contagious diseases, which are bad to societies.
When something bad can catch us, why not good catch us too?
Let’s get infected to goodness.
Let's create a strong determination for change.
In our chemistry class, the minimum amount of the materials required for a chemical change to take place. This number is called as "critical mass."
As long as it's lesser than the critical mass of material, nothing happens.
As soon as we have the critical mass or more of the material, all of it changes.
It works in the chemistry lab.
What is the critical mass required for the calmness to happen. How much of good people do we need to bring change in our lives. How much is the required quantity of goodness to evolve to
the next level?
We need to add the goodness until and unless the bad gets converted to good or the percentage of goodness is more than that of bad.
We have to respect and appreciate the good till the reaction takes place.
Good quality people with good moral values and character are to be embraced
for this reaction to happen.
We must create good things, all around us. Calmness and healing.
Link to this article.
Contagious mind.
@. Blogger.
Story of scientists experiment.
Everything is contagious.
Better to create.
Friday, January 15, 2021
Purpose of job in Himalayas.