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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Perfection & SUCCESS.

What is perfection:
Perfection is a path (road) rather than a destination.
There is no ending point to perfection.

Sense of not knowing, and a sense of not being perfect, and a sense of wanting to move towards perfection. Adds an essence to curious happy life.

Happiness can be experienced while on the path way of perfection.

Nothing is perfect, but it always becomes better,
towards perfection, with perseverance and time.

Rather search Looking for positive constructive optimism, it is easy to find.

You can then create better things towards perfection by yourself.

But perfection is a never ending path.

Thus Darwin's theory of evolution from gorillas to humans.

Just make sure that you have the humble attitude.

A desire, to walk towards perfection.

Similarly, success never ends anywhere, it is not one time.

Success is an feeling to experience, every moment.

Success is a joy, and happiness.
Success is in every day, every living, and each thought.

Success is more than a trophy that is just put somewhere.
Sometimes success even gifts trophy to remember.

Walk towards your goal, 
make constructive peaceful efforts,
if not you will be left behind.

Create and carve your own future.

Ask yourself "Am I doing the right thing to Humanity".
If you get the answer as "YES" then just do it.

Start praying, let people hear your prayers.
Let the change happen.

Do not stop until you reach your Goal with Love, Light and Peace.

Leaders at top: 
The true winners never stand alone. Everything is inter-connected.

If Someone is on the Top, it is due to the efforts of all those who are at the bottom, holding the leader up.

The more higher you go, the more humble you become. 

Humility is the sign of success. Humility eliminates obstacles. 
Being humble is the priority.

You will be successful only when
you start taking self decisions.

If you don't have self faith,
you will always be seeking help,
you will always be seeking advice,
you will always be seeking guidance,
that means you will always be dependent.

It's self faith that makes you stand up,
walk straight, & progress,
and also be a big pillar of strength to all around you.

You have to create your own future.
God helps those who help themselves.

Hope of PM Modi.

Advocate Kunal Sharma, has betrayed me with false promises.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.
Read more.

Link to this article.
Perfection & Success.

Meditation Truth Happiness.

Human Body is said to have 5 Senses:
(1) Eye Sight (2) Nose Smell (3) Tongue Taste
(4) Ear Sound (5) Skin Touch.

All the above are connected to our mind brain.
When we enjoy our senses we get happiness.
When we hate our senses we get frustrations.
Feelings and emotions is cause and effect of senses.
Mind is like a super sensing computer software logic.
What ever it wants will be done by other senses.
Thus it is wise to control the Mind.
Wisdom is to practice meditation & yoga.
Concentrate on breath & body muscles.
Control your mind to control actions.
Enjoying your Senses Responsibly is Maturity.
You are Matured only when you are Responsible.
Humble, Peace, Wisdom, Healthy, & Wealthy.

There is one more dimension, and that is feeling the Presence.
Presence has to be felt by the heart.
Human life is enriched only when,
we can live this sixth sense of existence.

Thoughts Create Your Future.
All that we are is the result of what we have thought.
If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought,
pain follows him.
If a man speaks or acts with a peaceful thought,
happiness follows him,
like a shadow that never leaves him. - Buddha

Appreciate & Help the Good ones.
Good Things will happen,
Only when you perform Action in Reality.
Only when you Act in Real Life.
Simply Thinking might Not Help.
Being Truthful is Important.
Be Transparent & Do Not Hide,
While Performing Your Actions.
Only then Peace is achieved,
To achieve Noble Purpose of Humanity.
Peace is to Achieve Truth with Humbleness.

TRUTH is to know the REALITY to Heal & Serve.
PEACE is to achieve the TRUTH with HUMBLENESS.
SOLUTION is achieved after accepting the TRUTH.
One can experience HAPPINESS after accepting the TRUTH.

Inner Peace Begins the Moment you Chose,
Not to Allow anyone to Control your Emotions.
To Concentrate, Control and Create Better Things.
When you Discover your Hidden Talents.
When you find Path to achieve your Desire with PEACE.

Intelligence to Sense Emotion is Human Nature. (Mind & Soul)
If You Sense Light and Warmth, it is Excellent Quality. (Peace)
If You Sense Light with Some Smoke, it is Moderate. (Anger)
If You Sense Darkness and Smoke, it is Poor Quality. (Quarrel)
Wisdom is to Distinguish These Different Qualities. (Meditation)
Practice To Connect Senses with Excellent Quality. (Consciousness)

Happiness can be Created Outside only when it is created inside.
Thus, Happiness is one of the Human Nature.
It is not wrong to desire happiness.
I know that you are Beautiful from outside,
and I want to know that you are willing to change from inside to.
Reality: You can create Beauty using intelligence,
but you cannot create intelligence using beauty.

Meditation is creating happiness within,
which generates positive thoughts,
relax your mind with gentleness,
and refresh it with humble thoughts.
Positive Thoughts are like the steering wheel,
that will move our Life in the correct direction.

It is Wisdom to connect Subconscious with the Conscious.
To Heal the Subconscious, using Conscious.
To listen to subconscious and Perform Deeds with Consciousness.

Do not let your past rob your future.
Each new day is a chance to make a new beginning.
Count your blessings, live with gratitude and love with all your heart.

Heal yourself as you are part of this society.
we are all connected like a spider web.
If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself.
If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world,
then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself.
Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own transformation.

It often Hurts and Irritates,
when we hide, secretly try doing wrong things.

Desire must not be destroyed, but must be Purified.
Desire must not be dropped, but must be Transformed.

Live Life with Enthusiasm to Attain a Constructive Purpose of Compassion.
Persistence to be Constructive, without Frustrations to Achieve our Noble Objective.

Intelligence must be used constructively.
Use it to heal and love.
That is what differentiates a Human from other wild animals.

Advocate Kunal Sharma, has betrayed me with false promises.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.
Read more.

Read Article:

Being spiritual is rising above pettiness, rising above hostility,
rising above people who hold you back and rising above normal negative human emotions.

Forgiveness Peace.

F O R G I V E N E S S - S O R R Y.
Victory of - GOOD - over - BAD.
Convert - BAD - into - GOOD.

It is a Great Respect & Joy, when we Ask & Seek for Forgiveness.
After Repentance & Realizing our Mistakes.
After Understanding the Truth of Good Progress.
Forgiveness Represents Conversion of BAD into GOOD.
It Represents Healing & Progress Towards Peace.
It Represents Victory of Love & Compassion against,
the evil, Anger & Ignorance.

We Heal Ourselves by Forgiving Others.
Similarly Others are Healed when they Forgive Us.
Forgiving oneself is possible by our-self.
Forgiving others is also possible by our-selves.
But Others can get Forgiveness only when they seek and ask for it.
Forgiveness relieves our own frustrations to heal our minds,
but does not always leads to a stronger relationship.
Because Stronger Relationships are form both the sides, not one sided.
Some people are not capable of receiving Love,
and it is wise to let them Go, along with your Anger.
Just wish them Well and take care of yourself.
forgiveness is applicable to those who realize mistakes, repent and rectify.
it is not possible for others to forgive themselves without rectification.

Jealousy is destructive.

Jealousy begins, comes in only when we Like something.
But when we do Not Express our Sincere Appreciation.
Thus Appreciate and Accept the Good People.

Jealousy Leads to Negativity, Criticism and Anger.
Knowledge Grows when Shared.
Believe in Humanity and Science, rather than in Religion.
Better to be wise Alone, rather than to be in a Bad company.
We can Achieve anything with Persistence and Motivation.

Advocate Kunal Sharma, has betrayed me with false promises.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.
Read more.

Read Article:

Do Not Curse Yourself:
सबसे पहला नियम है स्वयं को दोषी ठहराना बंद करो।
अध्यात्म क्या है? गहराई में जाकर अपने साथ जुड़ना।
यदि खुद को दोषी मानते रहोगे तो अपने निकट कैसे जाओगे?
जो तुम्हें दोष देता रहे तुम उनके साथ रहना पसंद नहीं करोगे।
ऐसा करते रहने से तुम कभी शांत नहीं हो सकते, अपनी गहराई में नहीं जा सकते।
कभी स्वयं को दोषी मत ठहराओ।

REAP what we SOW.

What we Sow is what we Reap.
If you plant Honesty, you will reap Trust.
If you plant Goodness, you will reap Friends.
If you plant Humility, you will reap Greatness.
If you plant Perseverance, you will reap Victory.
If you plant Consideration, you will reap Harmony.
If you plant Hard Work, you will reap Success.
If you plant Forgiveness, you will reap Reconciliation.
If you plant Openness, you will reap Intimacy.
If you plant Patience, you will reap Improvements.
If you plant Faith, you will reap Miracles.

It is Important to Answer this:

When we know that we are being blessed.
Don’t we think that others can also be blessed.

When we can Hurt and Manipulate with others.
Don’t we think that, we too can be hurt and manipulated.

We know that, what we Sow is what we Reap.
But we will Believe it only when we will Experience it.
What ever we Give will Return back to us.

If we Torture Others with Silence,
We will be Tortured too.

Every-time we Pretend and Lie as if we are Not Aware.
We will be Betrayed in Return.

If  we do something Good to others,
Good things will Happen to Us also.

When we do Not Appreciate good people,
None would Appreciate our Goodness too.

Lets Be Humble and Responsible, be Matured and Learned.
Never Act Like a Moron.

If we always Loved, Guided and Helped others.
We will also be Loved, Guided and Helped.

If we impose Slavery and Torture on others.
We will also face the same slavery and torture.

If we play Games and Hide from others.
The same will happen with us too.

Advocate Kunal Sharma, has betrayed me with false promises.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.
Read more.

Link to this Article:
Reap what we sow.

When you have a spirit of excellence,
you do the right thing not because somebody is watching you,
not because they’re making you do it.
You do it to honor Peace, Truth and Brotherhood.


Relationship of LOVE

Trust takes Years to Build.
Seconds to Break and Forever to Repair.
Good Things Take More Time and Difficult to Create, 
but they can be Destroyed Quickly.
Anger, Hatred & Frustrations Destroy Good Things.

Relationship is Not One Sided,
It needs Love from Both the Sides.

True Love, it Begins with No Expectations, 
but Later Brings many Gifts and Lots of Love in Return.
Love is in Different forms, it is the Greatest power, 
Love gives Lots of Happiness without any Expectations.

Getting hurt is a part of love.
It happens this way, and we have to live through it.
But to be afraid of pain and to stop loving,
and shutting down completely is foolishness,
which a lot of people do.
To stop being in love because it hurts at times,
is not an intelligent decision at all.
But those who sail through that little pinch and move on,
will get the real, blissful love.

Before Assuming, we need to Learn the Facts.
Without knowing the True Facts, it is Wrong to Assume.
Before Judging, we have to Understand Why?
Thus We must Feel the Pain, before Hurting others.
And We must Think before we Speak.
Thus Speak the Truth to Bless with Good wishes.

Some people are RARE, they are very Calm, Gentle and Humble,
they Heal and Cure naturally, Without any notice,
and we Understand the importance of such People,
only when they are Lost.
Only then we Know, there are None Like them.
Some people come into our Lives and Never go away.
Some people Make our Souls to Dance.
They Awaken us to a New Understanding.
With the Flowing Wisdom of their Compassion.
Some people make the Sky Beautiful to Gaze upon.
They Stay in our Lives Forever.
They Leave their Footprints in our Hears.
and we are Never ever the Same.
It is Not the Years in our Life that Counts,
but the Quality of Life in the Years.
The Quality of Experience Counts.

Dream to Create a Better World,
Believe in Noble Deeds,
Care for the Humble ones,
Share with the Gentle ones.

It is Wise to be with the ones we Love.
Because True Love is very Rare.
Only because Courageous People who can Express Love are very Rare.
Many of them Love without having the Courage to Accomplish.
And much More Rare is the Noble Heart.
Thus may we ever Love a Humble and Courageous Person.
We cannot Live without Hope and Faith.
It may be the End of our World without them.

Humanity is a Ocean, and it has Dirt in it.
But Never Lose Faith in Humanity itself.
People with Believe in Humanity are very Rare.
And You are Also very Rare too.
Appreciate and Help the Good people.
Thus you will Achieve Peace, Happiness and Satisfaction.

Love is a Basic Nature of Humans.
This Love is in Different Forms,
Love is Meaningful only while at Respect.
Respect is when you Think very Highly of a person,
and would Never Think to Offend him or her.
Respect makes Relationships Enjoyable and Fulfilling.
Giving Respect Does Not make us inferior, but rather Happy,
It is also Wisdom to give a proper Meaning to a Relationship with Respect.
Only then it will be Possible to Enjoy that Relationship.

Love is a Sacred and an Divine Blessing to add Strength, Courage and Wisdom 
to Achieve our Noble Purpose of Life.
Love becomes Destructive when Possessed with Anger of Compulsion.
Love is useless while Hidden. Painful when Suppressed.
Love is Joy when Accepted, when Transparent.
Love grows more when Appreciated by many people.
Love between two, grows strong when accepted by other Loved ones.
Love is all about Giving Freedom.
But freedom is Meaningful only while Achieving Noble Objective.
And freedom is Lost when misused.
Love must be Accepted without any Fear, with Gratitude and Respect.
Love is Not a Sin, but a Blessing.
Rejection of Truth is Sin, Acceptance is Divine.
Love Accepted with Pride and Hope, Leads to Joy and Happiness.
Love Becomes a Curse if Rejected with Anger, Leads to Sadness.

Love is Not having Someone Give you the World.
Love is Creating a Whole New World Together ♥.
It is Not Falling Down in Love, but Love is Feeling the Healing.

Love is patient, Love is kind.
It does not Envy, it does not Boast, it is not Proud.
It does not Dishonor others, it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily Angered, it keeps no record of Wrongs.
Love does not Delight in Evil but Rejoices with the Truth.
It always Protects, always Trusts,
always Hopes, always Perseveres.
Love never Fails.

Advocate Kunal Sharma, has betrayed me with false promises.

On one hand, justice system is critical for a better nation. Providing law and order to citizens. It's important for citizens to be patriotic, to be caring, helpful and kind to others. With a commitment and passion to provide justice. At the same time there are people who are misusing the power of law, to manipulate with the justice system. Recently I was betrayed by an advocate, who is supposed to provide justice to others by profession.

Advocate Mr Kunal Sharma has betrayed me. This person who is supposed to provide justice is doing injustice himself. Such people are a curse to this great nation.
Read more.

Read Article:

रिश्ते खून के नहीं होते,एहसास के होते हैं।
अगर एहसास हो तो,अजनबी भी अपने,
और अगर एहसास न हो तो अपने भी अजनबी होते हैं।